Posted by: dsduffy | July 4, 2010


No fireworks, no day at the beach. No hotdogs on the barbeque or sparklers in the hands of excited kids. No waiting for the big fireworks display to begin amongst friends and family who spent the day preparing food, eating it and just hanging out. No frosty Corona with a slice of lime or dipping Tostito’s chips into spicy salsa. No American flags displayed at almost every house on every street.

But still I am thankful for my country today, on this Independence Day. The country where anything is possible, a country that other people dream of coming to. The country that was built on freedom and one that will fight to protect it.

Although I haven’t lived in the United States of America for almost 2 years, it is still MY country, and one that I am proud to call home.


  1. Very nice, patriotic post! Happy July 4th!

  2. Even though we can’t spend the day with friends and family, after 6 years on the road we still celebrate the 4th. It is a time for us to remember where we are from, and to be thankful for our freedom. Fortunately, the weather cooperated this year so we had a winter barbie at the beach.

  3. happy fourth.

  4. Good for you, Danielle. If I lived anywhere else in the world, I would still celebrate Australia Day in some way. It’s good to be proud of your origins.
    I’ve been reading through your blog, and posted a comment on one of your posts back in April (I think) – the one about the language differences.
    Hope you find it!

  5. Ditto!

  6. My family hasn’t lived in the US for nearly two decades but we still have a 4th of July celebration, nothing wrong with it at all šŸ™‚

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